Encoder product details

You can turn the encoders unlimited times whereas potentiometers can only be turned certain degree (~330deg usually). 

Product category page

Products with encoder

- 1ES - ONE encoder with integrated button
- 2ES - TWO encoders with integrated button
- 4EN - FOUR encoders
- 8EN - EIGHT encoders 
- 8ES - EIGHT encoders  with integrated button
- 8EN-16K - EIGHT encoders with SIXTEEN keys
- 16K-1ES - ONE encoder with SIXTEEN mechanical keys

Detents details 

- D20: 20 detents per revolution / 80 steps per revolution 
- D24: 24 detents per revolution / 96 steps per revolution 
- ND24: without detents (smooth turn) /  96 steps per revolution 


Integrated button details

- ES:  with integrated momentary switch
- EN: without switch

How to make the encoders listen to your daw so it won't jump after restarting application.

As of update 7.1.6, a picking up feature is added.
If PC application sends midi signal to the device, the knobs will resume where the application's knob is. Available only Encoder types

Here's how to set with Ableton live.
as you can see here, you need to check Remote both IN and OUT. 

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